Monday, December 01, 2003

post feast musings

I've been unable to post anything for the last few days because of the dire state of my health. You see, a couple of days ago, I ate much much too much. I then did it all over again the next day, more turkey, more stuffing, more potatoes, more yams, more green beans, more dressing, more waldorf salad, more pecan pie, more pumpkin pie, more apple pie, more, more.? I think thanksgiving is really a government conspiracy akin to the CIA's flooding of black ghettos with crack in the days of yesteryear. Whoa, I'd better step back into reality before my fanciful mouth gets me in hot water for belittling the plight of blacks in America.
But really, I was incapacitated for the whole weekend. Now we all know that big business and the government sleep in the same bed, I think old Donald may be smarter than we think. Lombotomize the nation by coercing them into overeating.
Actually, all joking aside, I believe there is a kernel of truth in some of what I've just said. The national lombotomy can be more accurately caracterised as the product of mass overstimulation.
I may ponder this a bit more as I ingest and digest my dinner.
Till later.

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