Thursday, January 15, 2004

I didn't burn down the house

Monday night, Dale, Johanna, and myself shared a very nice belated Christmas dinner. We had rack of lamb (cooked to perfection by my father, this is not an overstatement) and some assorted vegetables (including mashed potatoes, hmmmmm -especially tasty when mixed with the port wine sauce my dad concocted for the lamb). For desert, we had something called an Asian banana split. Johanna had discovered the recipe somewhere (I don't know where), and earlier that day had procured the necessary ingredients and done the prep (toasting the sliced almonds, caramelizing the bananas). Difficulty was, the final stage of the recipe involved flambéing the bananas with a goodly amount of rum. Johanna felt a bit apprehensive about this. Enter me - heat up bananas, toss in rum, tilt pan to light, watch the flames grow to about three feet, and yahooo, nothing else caught on fire.

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