Wednesday, February 04, 2004


It hurts to walk right now. That is why I am sittting down. But soon I will have to get I up, perhaps to get my textbook so that I may begin some work, and I will be reminded of how painful lifting weights can be. Today is day one of Evan tries to not be in such horrible shape. I plan to lift weights three times a week and not use so much bacon fat. If after a month or so, I've managed to keep with it, I may add some sort of aerobic exercise two or three times a week. I don't really expect that all of you find this especially riveting; my telling you has as much to do with establishing a sort of verbal contract as it with forming a part of the banalities of my life which I relate to you in this blog.

Classes are going well. I'm becoming aquainted with a new (to me) professor who thus far I quite like. He is at once interesting, eloquent, funny, and serious (in a good way). This, together with a decent mix of people, has made for very engaging classes to date. Here's a few quotables from the Prof himself (said during class):

"One should always be careful of people who appeal to the public; almost always what they're appealing to is the meaning(s) held by their particular coterie."

"Essentially what they're teaching you is kind of a series of Masonic handshakes in the guise of them being true" (in reference to a particular movement in Lit theory)

"The more people who are allowed in the club, the more democratic the club is, but one shouldn't necessarily mistake that for truth." (in refrence to the academic establishment)

I'm off to do some work.