Saturday, November 15, 2003

It's Saturday morning and I've been ensconced in the Reed library for over an hour now. I'm about half way through Baudelaire's "Les Paradis artificiels". At this point I have little to say about it but I will post some thoughts later today.

Reed student body elections finished up last night and I'm bitter. I wasn't running (next semester perhaps), but my bitterness stems from the following:
My wonderful and very smart and adept girlfriend didn't clearly win a Senate seat.
Those who clearly did win are not the best choices (in my not so humble opinion).
I should explain the first issue. Currently there is a tie for fourth (the last spot that garners a seat on Senate). It has yet to be decided how this tie will be resolved, we'll see. Of the three candidates that placed in the top three, there is only one who I can unreservedly say deserved to be up there, another who perhaps did but about whom I have reservations so far as his being a Senator is concerned, and then one who is just a silly choice. And we thought we weren't in highschool anymore.
In other news, Reed hosted a break dancing competition last night. Friking amazing, I was blown away by a number of the dancers. A great many of them were technically amazing, and some were also stylistically beautiful. Two fights almost broke out at different times. I worry about what may have happened after the competition, but alas.

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