Monday, September 20, 2004

So True

Thanks to Jedd for pointing me to pitchforkmedia. I've just spent the last half hour perusing the site during which I had an experience similar to what Jedd described. It is because of that that I entitled this post, "so true".

I was reading the top 100 albums of the 1970's and came across this description of Led Zeppelin IV (placed as #7):

We must be lying to ourselves: There is no way this album should not be #1. If my fellow PFM writers could go to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind's memory-erasure clinic and wipe out everything related to this record and band-- the radio overplay, the Spinal Tap jokes, Robert Plant asking, "Does anybody remember laughter?"-- and hear IV again for the first time, it would be at the very top of this list. Because when the riff from "Black Dog" hits you for the first time, you come face to face with God. Nothing is bigger than Led Zeppelin IV. It tears your skin and grinds away your doubt and self-hatred, freeing the rage and lust and anger of cockblocked adolescence. Listening to this album is like fucking the Grand Canyon.

After reading the top 100 list, and feeling myself a bit of a musical philistine, I proceeded to download all the free music. I've not listened to any of it, not yet, but I will. I'm fighting the good fight, trying to branch out and blaze new trails in my musical lanscape. If any of it warrants your attention, I'll let you know.

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