Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Late nights

It's been a long time since I've been camping. There's something wonderful about it that makes the food you eat taste that much better. Perhaps because it's a bit harder to prepare, it just taste that much better (the grammatical mistake forces you to stop and savour the taste). The flavours stand out a little more.

It's rather late and I'm now back at home listening to "Aminal Magic" by Bonobo. I had a fairly productive day today. I think I have the beginnings of a thesis outline. This may seem rather odd to those of you who know I've already written a first chapter, but, as might be expected, my first chapter revealed more of my ignorance than it did my genius. Sort of unfortunate that way. One day I shall be genius. Until then I'll write about it.

You know, I wonder what sort of tone you imagine I'm writing this with. Considering that I've now asked the question, it is somewhat obvious. And yet.

My outline is of course the new and improved outline. Version 2.0, due to be revised next year with Version 3.0 following fast upon it's tail.

The japanese master of moody down–tempo has arrived. It's like someone ??????.

Anyways, my outline may be something like:

1. La déception du voyage
2. La sensation–commune
3. Art & the literary life

I think those are right.

I hope you're all well.

Love Ev

Sicilian pizza with avocado. Pink lemonade Gatorade. Out of this world.

Fu–Yu says the moody japanese man.

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