Wednesday, January 25, 2006

On Idiocy

I'm inclined to backtrack a little from my previous post in which I complained about a writer naming his column "Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week". In that post I wrote, "I can certainly agree that much of what they say and do is idiotic, in the sense that their words and deeds reveal a great ignorance to the truth of my values and views, but I don't really think they are incapable of ordinary acts of reasoning. " The part I don't like about that statement is, "a great ignorance to the truth of my values and views." While I may uphold vaguely post-modern views of indeterminacy (or non-existence) in some contexts, this is not the place. I will not accept some form of relative truth, where though I may have "my own truth", I am willing to recognize the 'truth' of the other person's position (I was not, am not, willing to do so, but my statement tended towards that sort of position). We then no longer have truth and our arguments rest on the shaky foundations of mere belief. I still think the title is stupid as, like I said before, its purpose is nothing more than a sort of communal ?????? among like-minded lefties. (Okay, I didn't say that, but now I have—and I did say something expressing a similar idea).

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