Friday, January 06, 2006

That other Santorum makes the Economist

I had never heard of Rick Santorum until Dan Savage made his family name into a word for the mix of lube, cum and fecal matter that can follow anal sex. To this day, when I read the word "Santorum" in print, my immediate association is not to the fundamentalist christian Senator from Pennsylvania who may be unseated in the mid-terms this year. This little cultural tid-bid has at last been acknowledged in The Economist:

The fall of Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania's junior senator, is even more eagerly anticipated by the American left. Mr Santorum is one of America's most articulate opponents of all things permissive. His six children are home-schooled; he opposes stem-cell research; he feels that sodomy should be outlawed; he favours national service. James Dobson, the head of Focus on the Family, an evangelical group, praises his “integrity, vision and unwavering commitment to the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded”. Meanwhile, gay activists use his name to denote something indescribable in a family newspaper.

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