Thursday, February 16, 2006

thoughts while rereading

Reading books is overrated. I don't exactly mean that, but I couldn't resist the ?????? bombast of that statement. Reading lots of books is overrated. I'm rereading parts of Swann's Way, the first book of In Search of Lost Time for at least the sixth or seventh time. It just gets better. Proust's introduction is sublime. Sometime ago I wrote something stupid about the sublime being a category academics use to escape their own self–edification, at which they horribly fail. If the adjective 'stupid' doesn't qualify as a negation for you, let me put it this way, "it is not the case that...." Wow, look what logic has done to me. I've begun think about how my natural language (English) sentences could be translated into formal logic. This is both good and bad. Probably good to learn how, I can always be intentionally ambiguous later.

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