Sunday, June 15, 2003

Hello all. This morning sees me slowly rising to greet the day to the tunes of "What does your soul look like pt.1" (Preemptive Strike), and "Midnight in a perfect world" (Endtroducing). As might be ascertained from the soundtrack, this is not an, "up and at em" kind of day. No, this day has one of languishment. If only that was a word, but I have a feeling that I am combining morphemes in unacceptable ways. I must say however, that Mr. Shadow combines sounds in a most splendid manner. ITunes has moved its way on to Orgon Donor (the extended overhaul mix) and my tush feels as though it wants hop right out this lazy-boy, toss my laptop to the side, and "rock the funky beat". Okay, so I haven't had enough sex lately. Kitty, my wonderful girlfriend, is currently residing in a different state. I'm stuck here in Portland and she's all the way up in Seattle. All I've got is her...I'm not going to say what she left me to keep me company. Well, I think it's time for breakfast (now that the clock is in the pm), I will probably write more when I am next trying not to do what I should be doing.

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