Monday, September 26, 2005

Things to say when you're feeling miffed

"Go shake your ears"
(Maria to Malvolio in Twelfth Night)

To give it a little more ummphh, one might add a contempoarary edge, such as "go shake your fucking ears". Then, at least, it would be undeniably clear that it was meant as an insult, even if the recipient did not understand that you were calling them an ass (donkey).

"Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo" from one of Catallus' "love poems"

variously translated as:

"Bugger off and get stuffed"

"I'll bugger you and fuck you in the mouth"

"I will assrape you and make you blow me"

Two of these translations are (I think) thanks two a couple of reedies over on a reed journal.

Be warned, the rest of the poem is rather homophobic. I pass it on only because it is in Latin, which, of course, makes it cool in a nerdy sort of way. Next time I will post some of Louise Labé's poetry.

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